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Communication Protocols in the ob1 PML

In Open MPI, the PML framework has charge of point-to-point communications. ob1 is one of components in the PML framework which executes communications utilizing BTL component(s).

The ob1 PML implements some communication protocols and selects a protocol for a point-to-point communication based on several conditions such as the messeage to send and underlying BTL component(s).

This document describes the communication protocols and their procedures in the ob1 PML as of Open MPI 2.1.


Types of Protocols

Protocols implemented in the ob1 PML is broadly categorized as eager protocol and rendezvous protocol.

There is only one protocol in the eager protocol: Eager Send. The ob1 PML has three implementations for Eager Send. Though they are same in communication protocol level, I describe them separately in this document.

There are several protocols in the rendezvous protocol.

Some of these protocol names are cited from FAQ of Open MPI and remains are defined by me.

Protocol Selection

Some protocols cannot be used for non-contiguous buffer. Some protocols cannot be used on certain BTL components. Specific types of protocols must be used for a given communication mode (defined in the MPI Standard: standard, bufferd, synchronous, and ready). The fastest protocol varies based on a message size. So a protocol to use is selected per message. Furthermore, a protocol cannot be determined only on a sending process nor on a receiving process because datatypes passed to the MPI_SEND and the MPI_RECV may not be equivalent.

A candidate protocol is selected on a sending process and the information is sent to a receiving process. Once the receiving process receives the information, the receiving process check whether the protocol is acceptable and determine a final protocol.

The selection procedure on a sending process is described below.

if ((standard_mode || buffered_mode || ready_mode) &&
    btl_sendi && data_size <= 256)
  [Eager Send (Immediate)]
  if (data_size <= btl_eager_limit - sizeof(mca_pml_ob1_hdr_t))
    if (standard_mode || ready_mode)
      if (data_size != 0 && btl_send_inplace)
        # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_prepare
        [Eager Send (Prepared)]
        # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_copy
        if (btl_sendi)
          [Eager Send (Immediate)]
          [Eager Send (Allocated)]
    if (buffered_mode)
      # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_copy
      if (btl_sendi)
        [Eager Send (Immediate)]
        [Eager Send (Allocated)]
    if (synchronous_mode)
      # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_rndv(flags = 0)
      [Send/Receive Pipeline]
    if (buffered_mode)
      # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_buffered
      [Buffered Pipeline]
    if (contiguous_buffer)
      if (btl_rdma &&
          (leave_pinned || ! (btl_flags & PUT) ||
           data_size <= btl_min_rdma_pipeline_size))
        # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_rdma
        if (! btl_get)
          # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_rndv(flags = CONTIG | PIN)
          [RDMA Direct Put]
          [RDMA Direct Get]
        # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_rndv(flags = CONTIG)
        [RDMA Pipeline]
      # mca_pml_ob1_send_request_start_rndv(flags = 0)
      [Send/Receive Pipeline]

Protocol Details

In code snippets and figures in this chapter, the prefix mca_pml_ob1_ of function names are omitted.

Eager Protocols

Eager protocols transfers a message in the send/receive semantics.

The ob1 PML has three implementations for Eager Send. They are same in communication protocol level but has differences in procedure how they call BTL functions on the sending process.

Eager Send (Immediate)

  1. The sending process sends a whole message with a MATCH header via BTL btl_sendi function and marks the send request as completed on return of the the function.

    btl_sendi(flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP, tag = MATCH, pml_flags = 0)
  2. The receiving process receives the message, unpacks the message from the BTL receive buffer to the user receive buffer, and marks the receive request as completed.


Eager Send (Prepared)

  1. The sending process passes the user send buffer to a BTL module via BTL btl_prepare_src function and sends a whole message with a MATCH header via BTL btl_send function.

    btl_prepare_src(size = data_size, flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP)
    btl_send(tag = MATCH, pml_flags = 0)
  2. When the Send operation has completed locally on the sending process, the callback function is called by the BTL module. In this calllback function, the sending process marks the send request as completed.

  3. The receiving process receives the message, unpacks the message from the BTL receive buffer to the user receive buffer, and marks the receive request as completed.


Eager Send (Allocated)

  1. The sending process allocates a BTL send buffer via BTL btl_alloc function, packs the message from the user send buffer to the BTL send buffer, and sends a whole message with a MATCH header via BTL btl_send function.

    btl_alloc(size = hdr_size + data_size, flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP)
    opal_convertor_pack(size = data_size)
    btl_send(tag = MATCH, pml_flags = 0)
  2. When the Send operation has completed locally on the sending process, the callback function is called by the BTL module. In this calllback function, the sending process marks the send request as completed.

  3. The receiving process receives the message, unpacks the message from the BTL receive buffer to the user receive buffer, and marks the receive request as completed.


Rendezvous Protocols

RDMA Direct Put

The RDMA Direct Put protocol transfers a message from a user send buffer to a user receive buffer directly using the RDMA Write (Put) operation executed by the sending process.

This protocol can be used only if BTL module(s) (network interface(s)) which are capable of the RDMA Write operation are available and the user send/receive buffers are contiguous.

When more than one BTL modules are available to the peer, up to max_rdma_per_request BTL modules are used. In this case, the message is splitted for used BTL modules.

  1. The sending process registers the memory to used BTL modules and sends a control message with a RNDV header.

    for used BTL modules:
        btl_register_mem(flags = REMOTE_READ)
    btl_alloc(size = hdr_size, flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP)
    btl_send(tag = RNDV, pml_flags = CONTIG | PIN | SIGNAL)
  1. The receiving process receives the RNDV control message, registers the memory to used BTL modules, and sends back control messages with PUT headers. The number of PUT control messages to send is same as the number of BTL modules to use. Each PUT control message contains the registration data.

    for used BTL modules:
        btl_register_mem(flags = REMOTE_WRITE)
        btl_alloc(size = hdr_size + reg_size,
        btl_send(tag = PUT, pml_flags = ACK)
  1. The sending process receives the PUT control message and starts the RDMA Write operation using the corresponding BTL module. The RDMA Write operation is executed once per received PUT control message.

    per PUT control message:
        btl_put(size = rdma_length)
  2. Each time the RDMA Write operation has completed locally on the sending process, the callback function is called by the BTL module. In this calllback function, the sending process sends a control message with a FIN header and deregisters the memory from the BTL module. If all RDMA Write operations complete, the send request is marked as completed.

    per RDMA Write operation completion:
        btl_alloc(size = hdr_size, flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP | SIGNAL)
        btl_send(tag = FIN, pml_flags = 0)
    if all completed:
  1. The receiving process receives the FIN control message and call the callback function which is set when the PUT control message is sent.

  2. In the callbaqck function, the receiving process deregister the memory from the BTL module. If all RDMA Write operations complete, the receive request is marked as completed.

    per FIN control message:
    if all completed:

In (C), if the user receve buffer is not contiguous, the receive process sends back a control messages with an ACK header and the protocol fallbacks to the Send/Receive Pipeline.

RDMA Direct Get

The RDMA Direct Get protocol transfers a message from a user send buffer to a user receive buffer directly using the RDMA Read (Get) operation executed by the receiving process.

This protocol can be used only if BTL module(s) (network interface(s)) which are capable of the RDMA Read operation are available and the user send/receive buffers are contiguous.

When more than one BTL modules are available to the peer, up to max_rdma_per_request BTL modules are used. In this case, the message is splitted for used BTL modules.

  1. The sending process registers the memory to used BTL modules and sends a control message with a RGET header. The RGET control message contains all the registration data.

    for used BTL modules:
        btl_register_mem(flags = REMOTE_READ)
    btl_alloc(size = hdr_size + reg_size,
              flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP | SIGNAL)
    btl_send(tag = RGET, pml_flags = CONTIG | PIN)
  1. The receiving process receives the RGET control message, registers the memory to used BTL modules, and starts starts the RDMA Read operation using the used BTL module(s). The number of started the RDMA Read operation is same as the number of BTL modules to use.

    for used BTL modules:
        btl_register_mem(flags = LOCAL_WRITE | REMOTE_WRITE)
        btl_get(size = rdma_length)
  2. Each time the the RDMA Read operation has completed on the receiving process, the callback function is called by the BTL module. In this calllback function, the receiving process sends a control message with a FIN header and deregisters the memory from the BTL module. If all RDMA Read operations complete, the send request is marked as completed.

    per RDMA Write operation completion:
        btl_alloc(size = hdr_size, flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP | SIGNAL)
        btl_send(tag = FIN, pml_flags = 0)
    if all completed:
  1. The sending process receives the FIN control message and calls the callback function which is set when the RGET control message is sent.

  2. In the callbaqck function, the receiving process deregisters the memory from the BTL module. If all RDMA Read operations complete, the send request is marked as completed.

    per FIN control message:
    if all completed:

In (C), if the user receve buffer is not contiguous, the receive process sends back a control message with an ACK header and the protocol fallbacks to the Send/Receive Pipeline.

Send/Receive Pipeline

The Send/Receive Pipeline protocol transfers a message in a pipeline manner. The message is splitted into fragments of btl_max_send_size bytes. Each fragment is transfered in the send/receive semantics. This means the receiving process must unpack the received fragments from the BTL receive buffer to the user receive buffer and in many cases the sending process must pack the fragment to the BTL send buffer from the user send buffer. The number of in-flight fragments at a time is throttled to send_pipeline_depth at the sending process.

This protocol can be used even if the user send/receive buffers are not contiguous.

When more than one BTL modules are available to the peer, up to max_send_per_range BTL modules are used.

  1. The sending process sends a first fragment with a RNDV header. The size of the first fragment is the smaller of eager_limit and rndv_eager_limit.

    btl_prepare_src(size = min(eager_limit, rndv_eager_limit),
                    flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP | SIGNAL)
    btl_send(tag = RNDV, pml_flags = SIGNAL)
  1. The receiving process receives the first RNDV fragment, unpacks the fragment to the user receive buffer, and sends back a control message with an ACK header.

    btl_alloc(size = hdr_size,
    btl_send(tag = ACK, pml_flags = 0)
  1. The sending process receives the ACK control message and sends up to send_pipeline_depth next fragments with FRAG headers. The size of a fragment is btl_max_send_size.

    per fragment:
        btl_prepare_src(size = max_send_size,
                        flags = BTL_OWNERSHIP | SEND_ALWAYS_CALLBACK | SIGNAL)
        btl_send(tag = FRAG, pml_flags = 0)
  2. Each time the Send operation has completed locally on the sending process, the callback function is called by the BTL module. In this calllback function, the sending process sends a next fragment with a FRAG header. If all fragments are sent, the send request is marked as completed.

    per Send operation completion:
        btl_prepare_src(size = max_send_size,
                        flags = BTL_OWNERSHIP | SEND_ALWAYS_CALLBACK | SIGNAL)
        btl_send(tag = FRAG, pml_flags = 0)
    if all completed:
  3. The receiving process receives the next FRAG fragment and unpacks the fragment to the user receive buffer. If all fragments are received, the receive request is marked as completed.

    per FRAG control message:
    if all complete:

RDMA Pipeline

The RDMA Pipeline protocol is a mixture of the RDMA Direct Put protocol and the Send/Receive Pipeline protocol.

The message is roughly splitted into three segments. The first segment of min(eager_limit, rndv_eager_limit) bytes is transfered with a RNDV header. The last segment of btl_pipeline_send_length bytes is transfered in a pipeline of send/receive semantics. The remaining intermediate segment is transfered in a pipeline of RDMA Write.

In the send/receive pipeline part, the segment is splitted into fragments of btl_max_send_size bytes. The number of in-flight fragments at a time is throttled to send_pipeline_depth at the sending process.

In the RDMA pipeline part, the segment is splitted into fragments of btl_rdma_pipeline_frag_size bytes.

  1. The sending process sends a first fragment (the first segment) with a RNDV header. The size of the first fragment is the smaller of eager_limit and rndv_eager_limit.

    btl_prepare_src(size = min(eager_limit, rndv_eager_limit),
                    flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP | SIGNAL)
    btl_send(tag = RNDV, pml_flags = CONTIG)
  1. The receiving process receives the RNDV fragment, unpacks the fragment to the user receive buffer, and sends back a control messages with an ACK header. And the receiving process splits the receive buffer for the second segment into fragments of btl_rdma_pipeline_frag_size bytes, registers the memory fragments to used BTL modules, and sends back control messages with PUT headers. The number of PUT control messages to send is same as the number of the fragments. Each PUT control message contains the registration data.

    btl_alloc(size = hdr_size,
    btl_send(tag = ACK, pml_flags = NORDMA)
    per fragment of the third segment:
        btl_register_mem(flags = REMOTE_WRITE)
        btl_alloc(size = hdr_size + reg_size,
        btl_send(tag = PUT, pml_flags = 0)
  1. The sending process receives the ACK control message and sends up to send_pipeline_depth next fragments with FRAG headers. This procedure is same as E. of the Send/Receive Pipeline protocol.

    per fragment of the second segment:
        btl_prepare_src(size = max_send_size,
                        flags = BTL_OWNERSHIP | SEND_ALWAYS_CALLBACK | SIGNAL)
        btl_send(tag = FRAG, pml_flags = 0)
  2. The sending process receives the PUT control message, registers the memory to the BTL module to use for the fragment, and starts the RDMA Write operation using the BTL module. The differences from the procedure E. of the RDMA Direct Put protocol are that the memory is regstered to the used BTL module in this procedure rather than in the procedure A. and only the memory of the fragment is registered rather than the memory of the entire message.

    per PUT control message:
        btl_register_mem(flags = REMOTE_READ)
        btl_put(size = rdma_length)
  3. Each time the Send operation of the FRAG fragment has completed locally on the sending process, the callback function is called by the BTL module. In this calllback function, the sending process sends a next fragment with a FRAG header. If all FRAG fragments are sent and all RDMA Write operations complete, the send request is marked as completed. This procedure is same as F. of the Send/Receive Pipeline protocol.

    per Send operation of completion:
        btl_prepare_src(size = max_send_size,
                        flags = BTL_OWNERSHIP | SEND_ALWAYS_CALLBACK | SIGNAL)
        btl_send(tag = FRAG, pml_flags = 0)
    if all completed:
  1. Each time the RDMA Write operation has completed locally on the sending process, the callback function is called by the BTL module. In this calllback function, the sending process sends a control message with a FIN header and deregisters the memory from the BTL module. If all FRAG fragments are sent and all RDMA Write operations complete, the send request is marked as completed. This procedure is same as F. of the RDMA Direct Put protocol.

    per RDMA Write operation completion:
        btl_alloc(size = hdr_size, flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP | SIGNAL)
        btl_send(tag = FIN, pml_flags = 0)
    if all completed:
  1. The receiving process receives the next FRAG fragment and unpacks the fragment to the user receive buffer. If all FRAG fragments and all FIN control messages are received, the receive request is marked as completed. :: This procedure is same as G. of the Send/Receive Pipeline protocol.

    per FRAG control message:
    if all complete:
  1. The receiving process receives the FIN control message and call the callback function which is set when the PUT control message is sent. This procedure is same as H. of the RDMA Direct Put protocol.

  2. In the callbaqck function, the receiving process deregister the memory from the BTL module. If all RDMA Write operations complete, the receive request is marked as completed. This procedure is same as I. of the RDMA Direct Put protocol.

    per FIN control message:
    if all completed:

Buffered Pipeline

The Buffered Pipeline protocol is almost same as the Send/Receive Pipeline protocol. The differences from the Send/Receive Pipeline protocol are the following two in the procedure A on the sending process.

  • The message is packed into the buffer provided by the MPI_BUFFER_ATTACH routine. In the procedure E. and F., fragments are transfered from this buffer.
  • The MPI communication operation is marked as complete. So the MPI_BSEND routine call or the MPI_WAIT routine call corresponding to the MPI_IBSEND routine call returns after the completion of the procedure A. regardless of the procedures after the procedure A.
  1. The sending process sends a first fragment with a RNDV header. The size of the first fragment is the smaller of eager_limit and rndv_eager_limit. The remaining part of the message is packed into the buffer. The request is marked as complete at MPI level.

    btl_alloc(size = hdr_size + min(eager_limit, rndv_eager_limit),
              flags = PRIORITY | BTL_OWNERSHIP | SIGNAL)
    opal_convertor_pack(size = min(eager_limit, rndv_eager_limit))
    opal_convertor_pack(size = data_size - min(eager_limit, rndv_eager_limit))
    btl_send(tag = RNDV, pml_flags = 0)